Boot Camp
Growth Boot Camp
You have heard about ‘boot camps’ from your local personal trainer or gym right? Well the reality is that your business probably need it more than you would like to think. The wonderful thing with business is that is really is a set formula to make sure everything is in the right place to make you consistent and reliable revenue when you resell a product or your skill as a service, that is right up until the point that you need to get creative with in the confinds of an environment that you have absolutely no control of from one day to the next. Welcome to Marketing in both the retail space and the online space.
We have all heard the words, you learn something new every day, similarly in marketing this is so true, especially in the digital or online world as what you will learn today, you should have know yesterday because it was probably invented overnight which means YOU need to change something today that worked very well yesterday, yet for no reason its actually broken today.
Welcome to the Marketim Boot Camp Series. Put very simply we spend countless amount of hours, day, months and even years, keeping up with the technology and changes that effect your business’ marketing and revenue, that you are very unlikely to know about until you find it broken and its too late to fix it.
In our retail book camp we guide you on how to check where is you customer actually coming from to are they tyre kicking or entering your outlet with their wallet open
In our online bootcamp we guide you on how to check the performance of your website bring found, what part of your SEO could be holding you back, are your AdWords costing you too much and what things can you successfully do to drive your web site and what thing you should get someone else to do.
Retail Foot Traffic
Where’s the customer
Sales Campaigns
Market Size
Measure Response
Website & Building
Can i be #1 on google?
Does google like me?
How to build
Things to change today
Online & Digital
Where is my customer?
Measure web leads
Measure facebook leads
Whats my todo list
SEO & Social
SEO Basic Principals
Tracking SEO
Get more Followers
To Do list